Monday, February 28, 2011

Within My Fashion

[Photo Source: National Geographic online images]

[28 FEB 2011 – As one's thoughts drift from present day duties to memories of past milestones, the emotional tug on one's Heart Strings often brings a mist to the eye and a smile to the lips.  Our daily lives fill with the colors of -- love and hate, hope and loss, joy and sorrow, happiness and grief, success and failure, and so many more that fill the rainbow of our lives.  Within the cloak of our mortal body, is a cache of dreams for the future -- Dreams wistful and full of yearning; Dreams full of melancholy and regret; Dreams of love and money; Dreams of family and friends. One's life is a yardstick that times measures in moments that take flight and flee, before their savor is felt.] 
(Dorothy Hazel Tarr)

Within my fashion of many colors, lies the dust of days gone by.
For in the lapse of time, I've assailed the fates and soared the winds, following the currents that led me here.
From my perch as sentinel of my journey, the life lessons learned as I follow time's trail, strengthen my resolve, and restore my purpose.
Time and circumstance have shaped a different nature for every endearment, kindness, friendship, and LOVE.
Within this cloak resides a secret world, of time and history that do not seem to weigh of consequence.
Because the dream shimmers on the horizon like a sunrise long awaited, suspended in time and space, just out of reach, where a future of such warmth, promise, and sweet possibility beckons.
Like a wild thing, I take wing ever wary of tomorrow's lures, a stronger and gentler creature of Nature's Err.
[Dorothy Hazel Tarr]

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